Weaverville Fire Department Support Services Minutes

October 5, 2016 5:30


Call to Order/ Welcome new members:  Meeting called to order at 5:35.

Approve minutes September 7, 2016 meeting: Terri motioned to approve, Serena 2nd the motion to approve minutes as submitted

Officers Report:

A.     President / Logistics: Station cleaning was went very well and was well attended

B.     Treasurer’s Report: Nothing to report.

Action Items:

A.  Discussion took place over fire prevention Week October 10-14. Serena and Lisa will clean the safe house so it’s   ready. They are waiting to hear back on times still for the safe house on the 13th and 14th.

B.  Discussion took place over having the Safe house available for Halloween.  The safe house will be set up near the side of the theatre by 4:30.  

C.  Discussion took place over the November Dinner meeting. This meeting will be the traditional   Thanksgiving dinner. Support services will provide the turkey and we will have a sign up for the side dishes.

Committee Reports:

A.     EMS Support: The order was placed for the supplies needed.   

B.     Station Maintenance: Lisa will do inventory to see what’s needed.   

C.     Equipment Maintenance: Herk will install new lights on 31. The other equipment is in good shape. 

D.     Web Technology: Is going well and is being updated regularly.

E.     Marketing: Serena provided a news release to be published during fire prevention week.

Open Forum and Topics for next meeting

December Meeting and Christmas Party and White Elephant- Dec. Sat 10th?

Appreciation Dinner

The meeting was adjourned at 6:10.